In-season strength & agility training: why is it important?

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With the release of our new Game Changer Strength & Agility Training schedule, we'd like to remind players how important it is to continue their training during the season.


Any gains in speed or strength made during the off-season will be sure to be on display during the early parts of the year. We want to make sure that players' progress is maintained throughout the season, and the best way to do that is to continue training. In-season strength and agility training will help players:

  • Maintain endurance and stamina during the season, helping them to avoid "burning out"
  • Reduce the risk of injury
  • Reinforce learned movement patterns through resistance training


In-season workouts will prioritize muscle recovery and strength maintenance, with players beginning to play games and be more active in warmer weather.


To be clear:  players should not stop their training when in-season - they just need to train differently. Our Game Changer Strength & Agility Training is designed to have a compounding effect on players that helps them see the best results when they train more consistently.